Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 15 and 16 'in the Holla'

I know I have been remiss in posting, its hard to catch up with spotty internet.

Met up with a breeder and sampled a lot of lovely whippets.

We then stopped to meet a friend of Laura's in NC before we trekked through to TN, She was lovely, the epitome of a southern hospitality.

After a cool drink, and learning what the trees we have been admiring are called (crepe myrtles) we are off again.

I REALLY wish I could upload pics with this connection. The road into Tia's place (where we were staying) was the most rustic lane way I have ever seen, with these signs saying "does anyone know you went this way" and such. I took pics, so you will get to see tall hese signs.

Tia and her family live in a Holler on the side of a mountain. What is a Holler you may ask? Its a group of homes on a property that you could "holla to each other from" in a depression on a mountain. We decided we wanted to live in a Holler. Her family is fantastic Darien loved hanging out with the girls. They have a huge pack of dogs, seems each house has a few. Kat was a little freaked out at first, but she got over it. These dogs had really good dog manners and there were enough of them to intimidate Dekka that she could be loose too. Once again I have pics I can't upload of us and all the dogs and kids strolling down to the creek to wade.

We decide to stay two days. We do ALL the laundry. Thanks Tia!!!!! which is soo needed as things still smell musty from the great rain in PA.

The next day we hang out again, its nice to plop down for more than a night, esp in such great company. We meet up with Renee (from Chaz) and her Fila Kharma. Both are cool and unique (one again there are pics) We also get our nails 'did'. The difference it seems between getting your nails 'done' and 'did' is about 30-40 dollars. Having our nails 'did' was ridiculously cheap here in Greeneville TN.

We are super sad to have to go in the morning, this place is just amazing and the people feel like family.

1 comment:

  1. When I was looking at building lots on a dirt road here in Maine once I drove by a series of signs that had variations of "Be careful what you shoot - Man and Dog live here!".

    I then limited my search to paved roads.
